Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Finding your Niche online.

I have just tonight discovered again how important finding your niche is.   As some of you know already I recently discovered Squidoo all over again.   I have also recently discovered the power of couponing. 

Well naturally I thought "If I had to learn how to really use coupons, others need and want this information."  So I started a Squidoo Lens about couponing. 

Now I had one lens that was started way back when Squidoo first got going and another one that I started a few weeks ago and then I started the one about saving money at the grocery store. 

Imagine my surprise tonight when I checked on the lenses and found that the NEWEST one has had the most traffic.  Three times the traffic that the older one had.

Why is this?  Well I believe it's because I found a niche that people are hunting for right now.   The economy has been and is in a downward spiral.  Everyone is feeling the pinch and looking for ways to stretch their dollars.  The easiest and most obvious cutback is always groceries.   They are looking for the information that I put out there and finding it.

Sounds simple enough and it can be.   If you are looking for your niche, think about what it is YOU are looking for.  If it's something you have to dig deep to find and it helps you, chances are that it will help someone else as well.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Give yourself a raise!

One of the benefits of working at home especially with your own business is that you can give yourself a raise when you need one.

This doesn't really mean that you automatically start making more money but since you are at home you have more control over what and how you spend the money you do make.

Of course you always take on new projects to increase your income but you can also do some things that will greatly stretch the money you already have.

One of the ways I have been stretching those dollars is by couponing.  Over the last six weeks I've been able to spend around just $50 a week for groceries.  Prior to that I was easily spending over $125 a week.   That's an instant $300 a month extra!

I've started a new lens on Squidoo on how to effectively use coupons and get some great deals and even eat better! 

Take a look and get started.  I will be adding more to it but it already gives you a great way to start. 

 Also be sure to check out the coupon section at for the weeks best deals to be had with a few coupons.

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