You can make money from home but don't fall for the scams. Anyone who wants you to pay for a membership fee or for a list or just for the chance to work for them is probably going to take your money and run.There are tons of people claiming you can make thousands of dollars a month just for taking surveys. There are people claiming you can make money shopping and get to keep all the stuff you buy. There are people who want you to give away free airline tickets and you get to make $100 for each ticket you give away, people who claim you can make money stuffing envelopes or making crafts.The truth is that you never have to pay someone to work for them. Never pay a one time membership fee or for a list of survey companies or mystery shopping companies.If you want to stuff envelopes you won't get far and the same goes for the crafts. There are also some newer scams that involve "payment processors" or something close to that. These people want to send you money have you deposit it in your acct and then send western union them a portion and you keep a portion. One reason for this is that they are stealing money out of peoples bank accts and it can't be traced through western union.I need to add something here. When I say never pay someone to work for them, I mean just that. This does NOT include start up costs that you will incur if you go into direct sales. When you join a direct sales company there is typically a fee for your starter kit. This is a valid fee. Direct sales companies are along the lines of Avon, Mary Kay, Leaving Prints, Tupperware, etc. There are tons of different companies you can sell for.There are free lists of survey companies and mystery shopping companies all over the place and you can get to my free list by following the link at the bottom of this post. Good luck in your endeavors! FREE list of survey sites that pay, FREE list of mystery shopping companies, FREE list of Telecommuting companies. Join our message board for daily survey and freebie updates!
5 Signs Your Marriage Is Over
With over 25 years of experience, Adam Edelstein has seen the signs. As the
elder son of the legendary divorce attorney, Saul Edelstein, Adam has built
5 years ago
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