There are lots of ways you can make money while working from home. You can start a business in direct sales, you can start a website and make money from affiliate advertising. You can come up with a product or idea and start a business the old fashioned way if you want!What you can't do is nothing. So many people believe they are going to make money by just turning on their computer and doing nothing. It is not possible to sign up for some program, pay $19.95 and start raking in $3k a week.There are tons of autosurf programs, programs that let you read email, programs that pay per click etc. If it was really possible to make $3k a week or even $100 a week wouldn't everyone be doing it?Right now there is an autosurf program that is getting lots of attention on scam sites. The people in the program swear by it and the people on the outside insist it is a ponzi. This program lets you invest some money, put up your website and then promises a certain percentage can be made daily. Now here is the kicker.. No one seems to know where the money comes from. The believers insist it is from investments but that the owners can't tell us where it is being invested because everyone would pull their money out and invest directly. Give me a break! I can't believe that others really believe this! The money is coming from the thousands of new people who are signing up daily.Quit looking for these types of programs that let you do nothing. If you have money to invest put it in the stock market or use it to start your legitimate business.Do not fall for the "programs". FREE list of survey sites that pay, FREE list of mystery shopping companies, FREE list of telecommuting companies. Join our message board for new freebies everyday!
5 Signs Your Marriage Is Over
With over 25 years of experience, Adam Edelstein has seen the signs. As the
elder son of the legendary divorce attorney, Saul Edelstein, Adam has built
5 years ago
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