Monday, November 06, 2006

Choosing a webhost

If you are ready to start your website and make some money working from home your first step will be to choose a host for your website.   This isn't as easy as you might think.  There is a lot to consider and I am often asked how you should decide on your host.  You will want to spend some time picturing how you expect your site to look in the end and what you want to get from it.  This is one area where the cheapest isn't always the best.  You can get web hosting for free but there are consequences that go along with it.  I recently saw a question about how to insert HTML into a new and popular hosts program. After doing some research I found out this couldn't be done.  I can't even imagine not having that ability. When I was choosing my webhost it was important to me that I have sitebuilding software that would be easy to use and it was important for me to have easy built in access to traffic tools and emails. 

The bottom line is that you will want to find a host that gives you the tools you need to build your website and that is also within a price range you find acceptable.  Think about the space you will need, the tools you will want, and the price you will want.   If you are new to all this it can be a little intimidating.  I recently ran across a website that can help you figure all this out.  You just plug in what you want and need in a webhost and they show you the best matches for your needs:

Find a Web Hosting Provider Now


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1 comment:

MaryJohn said...

good one