Saturday, April 08, 2006

Become an expert

I wanted to just mention this briefly.   It doesn't matter if you decide to make money from home by building a website, blogging, going into direct sales or whatever but no matter what you decide to do you need to become an expert at it.
If you are starting your own website and want to make money you need to learn from others what makes a website successful.   You can't just put up a website and hope for the best.  You will need to learn about search engine optimization, you will need to learn the best way to set it up and how to make it look.  You will need to learn how to drive traffic to your site and how to keep it there. 
The same thing goes for blogging, you will need to learn basically the same things.  With either option you will also need to learn how to promote.
If you go into direct sales for any product you will want to become an expert in your area.  You can't just have a party, hand out brochures and hope that people will buy.  You will need to be able to tell them WHY they should buy your product, how it will benefit them and what they can expect. 
So often I see people start a business and just hope that it will all work out.  There is a lot of learning to do but luckily we all have the internet and a ton of experts at our disposal.  Take advantage and read and learn.
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